A cute nature documentary series for children, consisting of short, 3 minute episodes. Originally concieved as a web-based series by NRK Super, but ended up on the air (the old-school air, known as television) too. This is one of those projects that blurs the line between a "musical profile" for TV and an actual "mini-score". I delivered a package of different situation-based music snippets, which are scattered around the episodes by the series' editors. So it's created like a "profile" but works like a score. I aimed for a warm, gentle and playful sounding thing. And once again I simply could not lay off those steel drums.
Super Natur
"Super Nature"
Composer (score)
TV series | 2012
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Immersive theatre | 2020
NRK Super – songs & snippets
TV channel profiling | 2007–2009
Torgny – Together
EP | 2021
Til Toppen av Norge
TV series | 2012
Leser Søker Bok
Web commercials | 2013, 2014
Celluloid Tunes
Webcast | 2018
Rema 1000
TV commercial | 2010
Los Bando
Feature film | 2017
Three Dalmatians
Short film | 2014
The Huggingtons
TV series | in development