Photo © Lilly Labs

Photo © Lilly Labs
For this project, I got to get out of my composer's cave and join my good friend Benedicte of Lilly Labs, travel around in a small red car and embark in the simple joy of recording some sounds. LILLY SLEEP is an iPhone app that helps your baby fall sleep, nothing less. Inside the womb one is actually exposed to quite heavy noise, while life on the outside can sometimes be very very quiet for our newborn citizens. There is supposedly a fair deal of scientific research behind the fact that small children fall asleep more easily when exposed to repeating white-ish noise, like the sound of household items like fans, vacuum cleaners etc. So that's what this app delivers – your noise of choice, for making your kid fall asleep!
More info over at Lilly Labs.
Client: Lilly Labs
Project leader: Benedicte Raae
Project leader: Benedicte Raae
Sound recording/sound design by Eirik Myhr
Recorded March 2013
Mixed by Eirik Myhr at Eiriks kontor, Darres gate 20
Mixed by Eirik Myhr at Eiriks kontor, Darres gate 20