Still photo by Øystein Moe

Photo by Øystein Moe

Still photo by Øystein Moe

Still photo by Øystein Moe
When the universe breaks down, send for the ALIEN REPAIR GUY! A dazzling and visually stunning short film created by Øystein Moe and Alexander Somma, which also features score sections by composers Ola Kvernberg and Jørgen Meyer. Jørgen, who is also the film's sound designer and a good friend of mine, brought me in to help with certain cues when he was getting increasingly caught up in the sound mix. Some of it didn't make it to the final cut. Anyway, the result is quite alien indeed.
Alien Repair Guy is included on The Norwegian Film Institute's collection Blu-Ray disc Norsk Kort 2013.

Client: Helmet Productions
Directors: Øystein Moe and Alexander Somma
Directors: Øystein Moe and Alexander Somma
Music by Eirik Myhr
Recorded April 2012
Mixed by Eirik Myhr at Eiriks kontor, Darres gate 20
Mixed by Eirik Myhr at Eiriks kontor, Darres gate 20